Thursday, 13 April 2017 13:40

5.6 million regret the time and money spent on university education

As a student these days, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the university system isn’t fair anymore. Let’s face it, leaving with a hefty debt to the tune of £44,000 you’ll no doubt be wondering how on earth you can start to make inroads and repay it. Lightbulb moment; get a job. That’s why you went to Uni in the first place – to improve your job prospects, right?

But with new research finding that one in three students are being forced to take ‘below graduate level’ jobs, is it really any wonder that over a quarter (5.6 million people) are now regretting the time and money spent on their university education? Simply put, is the university system failing both students and businesses? If you’re not being equipped with the skills and experience you need in the professional world, surely you are?

It’s not the first time that the relevance of UK university courses has been called into question, but rather than it being from prospective employers, it’s the first time that a survey has found graduates complaining about the quality of education.

The fact a third are having to pay out even more to do further qualifications to get the skills they need to pursue their desired job, you may well wonder? Don’t just take our word for it, but the 6 million graduates (28 per cent) who believe their Uni education was outdated in relation to the present-day job market, resulting in a struggle to secure suitable jobs.

University can be fun rollercoaster life experience and one way to start a great career and get a chance at the best-paid jobs. But, it’s not the only route into a successful work life. Earning while learning through an apprenticeship can also lead to a degree and top earnings. Better still, you can avoid the dreaded Uni debt and be gaining qualifications, skills and experience at the same time.

Funnily enough, the research just published shows that a massive 9.7 million graduates (45 per cent) believe internships and work placements are more valuable than degrees in their professional life, saying work placements are more valuable to them in their career than a university degree.

The latest findings do seem to jar though with last year’s National Student Survey, which found that 86 per cent of students were satisfied with their course. But, if you are thinking of going to Uni this year, check out the universities that have the happiest students. The University of Buckingham and the University of Law jointly score an overall satisfaction rating of 97 per cent. Those scoring poorly include the University of Edinburgh and London School of Economics and Political Science.

Successive generations are being let down by an education system that the government is supposed to be committed to. And so they should, it’s a long-term investment in the country’s future prosperity. Yet while PM, Theresa May has said “there is no more important place to start than education” and the Spring Budget signalled the government’s intent to address the skills gap, there is a growing concern that education across all levels is failing and little is being done to rectify it.

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